About RN95

Instocking LLC is a trustworthy and expanding professional N95 face mask supplier in the United State.

What mask should you choose? N95 or medical mask?

Many people will ask what kind of masks should we choose for ordinary people during the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic?

I think you need to understand your environment. Are you a frontline worker in the hospital system, or just like us?

  1. Frontline medical staff

Front-line medical staff, face to face with the source of pneumonia infection, please use N95 masks. When using by medical staff, after facing a patient with pneumonia, please change a mask to take care of the health of the medical staff.

  1. General hospital staff

For general hospital workers, it is recommended to use medical surgical masks.

  1. Ordinary people

In general, like our ordinary people, it is recommended to use “disposable medical masks” and medical surgical masks.