About RN95

Instocking LLC is a trustworthy and expanding professional N95 face mask supplier in the United State.

The capacity of N95 masks for different people all over the world

Australian researchers released a report saying that medical protective masks represented by N95 masks are not compatible with different groups of people. Relatively speaking, N95 masks are more suitable for men, but less suitable for women and Asians.

According to CNN, a research team from Perth Children’s Hospital in Australia recently released a study on the fit of protective masks. The team reviewed relevant data and research since 2003 and found that in the test of the degree of mask fit, 95% of men wear masks and only 85% of women pass the test.

According to reports, the research team also found that 84% of Asian medical staff passed the mask test, and the combination of gender and ethnic factors made the mask test pass rate of Asian women only 60%. The research team pointed out that one of the reasons why medical staff are more likely to be infected with the new crown virus than other people is the lack of personal protective equipment, of which the inappropriate mask is an important factor.

In addition, the researchers also pointed out the difference between “fitness check” and “fitness test” of medical masks. The former refers to medical staff checking their own masks to ensure that they are suitable; the latter is more complicated and costly, with a larger number of participants in the test, but a more accurate assessment. Although medical staff should conduct self-checks every time they use masks, researchers do not recommend replacing “fitness tests” with “fitness checks”.