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Can Korean kf94 masks be used to prevent Covid-19?

Can KF94 masks be used?

KF94 masks actually refer to masks that meet the KF94 filtration standard. According to the official website of the Korean Food and Drug Administration (MFDS), the masks under this standard have a “filtration rate of more than 94% for particles with a diameter of 0.4μm”. In other words, KF94 standard masks can filter out at least 94% of particles with a diameter equal to 0.4μm.


  1. It can prevent “droplets”. It is not very effective for directly filtering viruses, because the diameter of coronavirus is only about 0.1μm, but it can effectively block the common carrier of viruses: droplets. The diameter of droplets is generally between 1~4μm. The filtering effect of KF94 mask can prevent droplets from directly contacting the human respiratory tract and prevent virus invasion.
  2. It is not a standard for medical use, so please replace it in time. Because it is not used in a medical environment, in the production process, there is no relevant index for the bacterial filtration rate. In addition, the outer material is the same as the non-medical KN95 and N95 masks. Its splash resistance is not as good as that of medical ones. Once it is contaminated with droplets, if the mask is not replaced for a long time, there will still be risks. ——It can be understood that it can be used occasionally when going out; when wearing it for a long time, it should be replaced in time after the recommended replacement time.

If there is no better choice, KF94 can play an effective protective role when individuals go out. However, N95 masks are more recommended.